KRA Founder and President & CEO Featured on The Hub Podcast


In October 2022, we launched The Hub, the official podcast of KRA Corporation, as a platform dedicated to providing valuable insights and knowledge to our listeners.  We believe that sharing diverse workforce-services perspectives and experiences is essential for our audience to learn about industry trends, and to explore various professional journeys.

Hosting the podcasts is Doug Foresta, with frequent co-host appearances by Jonathan Overall, KRA Senior Director, Workforce Operations.

Episode #24, the first of 2024, features The Origin and Evolution of KRA: A Conversation with the Founder and President & CEO Knowlton Atterbeary, in which he traces the origin of the company, discussing KRA’s commitment to leadership development, both within the firm and more broadly in the workforce industry, and highlighting prominent professionals who began their careers at KRA.

Mr. Atterbeary also shares insights on employment policies gained through serving on economic advisory boards, as well as his perspective on key workforce development trends, challenges, and preparation needed for the future of work over the next 5-10 years.

We encourage you to tune in regularly to The Hub for a wealth of valuable information and captivating conversations that will broaden your understanding of the industry, covering workforce topics and trends you need to know on the go!

If you know someone who should be featured on The Hub, please e-mail us at


Categories: Latest News.