KRA/DC Expands Services and Partnerships in the Community

Since 2012, KRA has provided comprehensive wrap-around case-management, workforce-development services to TANF recipients for the DC Department of Human Services.  Current programs include Educational and Occupational Training and Job Placement.

Anthony Wilson, Director, KRA/DC Program, reports on three exciting new efforts gaining traction in the community.


”Recently, Jason Anderson, Employment Specialist, met with Richard Reyes-Gavilan, Executive Director, DC Public Library, to discuss the progress of our partnership project, Beyond the Walls, through which KRA/DC staff are onsite in various libraries, facilitating Career Readiness Classes and offering Career Coaching services to increase participation in certification programs that lead to careers in local high-demand industries.

“Also, Che’Von Giles, Job Developer, met with Vaughn Perry, Director of Programs, Skyline Workforce Center to discuss our first successful collaborative activity, a Career/Educational Fair held on January 18th, and to plan for follow-up events, providing KRA/DC customers and other DC residents with information and resources for educational and training opportunities that enhance sustainable employment and career advancement.”

Additionally, Mr. Wilson reported, “Daniel Pope, one of our JP Program customers, recently founded a 501c3 non-profit corporation, a few doors down from the KRA/DC office, working with DC teenage-young men to assist with schoolwork, provide mentoring services, and offer a safe place to congregate in the community. We applaud Mr. Pope’s dedication and initiative to provide our young people with supportive services that could impact the rest of their lives.”

Categories: Community Involvement and Latest News.