KRA/Chicago Supports South Side Ward 6 Alderman Hall

Kelli Moore, Director of Constituent Resources for William Hall, who assumed the elected office of Ward 6 Alderman on May 15, 2023, had been contacting Chatham-community employment services to invite them to “table” a series of Hiring Events, the third Thursday of the month throughout 2024.

Jay Taylor, KRA Business Services Consultant; Alderman William Hall; Corey Person, KRA Work-based Learning Coordinator

After several disappointing attempts, in January 2024, Ms. Moore reached out to the Communication and Program Management staff of The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, KRA client for the operation of the Westside AJC and the Chatham Education Workforce Center, who put her in touch with Nieal Smith-Ross, KRA Program Director.

Ms. Smith-Ross reports, “Ms. Moore and I connected immediately, as I spent time growing up in Chatham, where my grandmother was a resident.  Also, Alderman Hall is a lifelong Chatham resident and Pastor!

“The first event was only 3 days away, but I eagerly agreed to attend with members of the KRA team, assisting jobseekers with their resumes before the event began.

“We have supported several events, as a workforce-services resource, hosted by the 6th Ward, and are working on other endeavors, including a Business Happy Hour in Chatham in May.

“Since August 2020, KRA has supported Chatham employers and jobseekers, fostering economic development through educational and job-training opportunities leading to sustainable careers.  We are extremely pleased to welcome Alderman Hall’s office to the community and will do all we can to support his mission.”



Categories: Community Involvement and Latest News.