KRA Career Agent Helps NPEP Customer Land USDA Job

Rhonda Feimster, with PGWorks, operated by KRA for the Prince George’s County [MD] Department of Social Services, reported, “Gerald was at the end of his rope when he was referred by Family Court to our Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program because of delinquent child-support payments.

In 2009, when he lost his Security Officer job, Gerald decided to resume his education, enrolling in the Business Administration program at PG Community College, and because he was receiving both UI and VA benefits, was able to keep up with child-support, car, and mortgage payments.

When the benefits expired in 2012, Gerald started job-hunting.  But, 2 years later, without steady employment, was cited ‘in contempt-of-court’ for non-payment.  So, during our very first session, we developed an Individual Employment Plan [IEP], with aggressive workforce-preparation and job-search activities.

PG County - USDA - APHIS LogoGerald’s IEP focused on Federal-government positions, which for him represented job security and personal stability.  Five months later, he started work as an Administrative Support Assistant with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, at a sustainable 5-figure salary!

In time, Gerald will recoup what he has lost–car, house, college–but, he is back on track with child support, which for him is the most important achievement.”