Endings and Beginnings: A Celebration of Career Transitions

Joseph L. Seymour

Joseph L. Seymour

I joined KRA as a Job Developer on a contract with the North Central Connecticut WDB, never envisioning that this job would develop into a 14-year, life-changing journey, and that…

…I’d be promoted six times in 12 years, culminating in my position as Managing Director of Operational Excellence;

…co-facilitating a Dislocated Workers’ workshop at the 2010 NAWB Annual Forum would lead to 30+ in-person and virtual presentations for our industry’s premier associations’ training and development (T&D) events;

…in 2015, NAWDP would honor me with its Professional Development Award; and

…a neophyte Job Developer in July 2009 would assume the Office of President, Southeastern Employment and Training Association, in July 2023.

These humbling achievements were made possible only because through KRA— for which my admiration, gratitude, and respect is boundless—I found my voice and the freedom to express it, as well as the unwavering support of my KRA family of corporate and program leaders, managers, and coworkers.

Therefore, with mixed emotions, I announce my transition from KRA to pursue my entrepreneurial goal of launching Manifest Maximum, a T&D consulting firm.

As I step out on faith, I stand tall on the shoulders of all of you who have shared my KRA journey with me. Especially, I thank Mr. Atterbeary, our President & CEO, for his invaluable encouragement and mentorship and the immeasurable gift of believing in me.

To my KRA colleagues, “Continue to embrace and nurture the conviction that you’re in the life-changing business and, yes, it matters. This is not goodbye, but rather see you later! ”