KRA WP Guide

Add A New Page or Post

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Rollover “+New” and add Page or Post
  3. Setup your page/post
    1. Select “Page” or “Post” as your layout
    2. Select the correct category (does not apply for pages)
    3. Set your featured image
  4. Add your title and content
  5. Setup SEO (optional)
    1. Change title tag or leave as default
    2. Change page description
    3. Add a focus keyword
    4. Add meta keywords
  6. Preview and publish

Editing An Existing Page or Post

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the page or post you wish to edit.
  3. Click on “Edit Page” on the top bar or “Edit” at the bottom of the page/post.
  4. Make revisions to the content or replace the featured image.
  5. Preview changes and update.

Restoring Page/Post to Older Revisions

Restoring a page or post to older revisions.

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the page or post you wish to edit.
  3. Click on “Edit Page” on the top bar or “Edit” at the bottom of the page/post.
  4. Click on “Browse” in the publish panel.
  5. Select the correct revision, then click on “Restore This Revision
  6. Preview changes and update.

Creating A New Blog Category

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Select “Dashboard” on the left top corner.
  3. Select “Posts” on the left sidebar and then “Categories
  4. Enter category name.
  5. Select a parent from the dropdown menu if creating a subcategory.
  6. Click on “Add New Category

Adding Documents to the Employee Dashboard

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Navigate and select the category you wish to add documents to.
  3. Click on “Edit” at the bottom of the pop-up.
  4. Select a location where you want to place the new document.
  5. Click on “Add Media
  6. Upload or select the document, then click on “Insert into page
  7. Preview changes and update.

Editing Staff Bio & Pictures

  1. Login to the Employee Dashboard
  2. Navigate to “Leadership & Management
  3. Select the team member to be updated.
  4. Click on “Edit” at the bottom of the bio pop-up.
  5. Edit the bio.
  6. To change the photo first “Remove the featured image” then “Set the featured image
  7. Preview changes and update.