KRA Attracts Roberta's House as CWE Partner

Usually, KRA/Baltimore hosts Career Fairs, such as those organized monthly for the Work Participation, Placement, and Support Services Program–operated for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services.  Recently, however, Ernestine Chambers, Operations Manager, and Jermietra Carroll, Business Services Representative, attended a Job Fair sponsored by a local church.

Ernestine explained, “Apparently, Judge Claudia Barber–previously a Hearing Officer for Baltimore City Public Schools–after visiting the KRA website, contacted us with an invitation to attend, which we eagerly accepted.

Our goal was to meet with other local businesses and organizations, and invite them to partner with us as potential sources of volunteer opportunities for our Community Work Experience (CWE) Program.  CWE, an invaluable KRA/Baltimore asset, often leads to employment for our TANF recipients, either with the CWE sponsor or other employers, since the jobseeker has now gained marketable workplace experience.

Baltimore - Roberta House Group Picture - 243x251Since the Fair, we have developed a partnership with Roberta’s House, which has accepted four CWE participants–one of whom has already been hired as an  Administrative Assistant–and is interviewing two more for Data Entry and Office Assistant volunteer positions.

We are hopeful for similar results with several other organizations, including the Enoch Pratt Library, that have expressed interest in the many benefits derived from CWE participation.”