KRA Exceeds Contract Requirement!

The good news is that KRA Corporation’s Community Work Experience Program (CWEP)  team placed 216 customers in community work experience jobs during its first year of service! The great news is that the CWEP exceeded the contract goal by 53 placements!!  Also, 95 customers were assisted with transitioning to either an occupational training or skills training program, and 44 customers were placed in unsubsidized jobs.

Not only has the original Camden, New Jersey office expanded in size, it has expanded operationally as well.  The KRA Corportion primary Job Skills Training program connected to the CWEP was for the development of soft skills: budgeting, meeting employer expectations, teamwork, conflict resolution, and job search strategies. Now we also have a computer lab for instructional use and for filing online job applications.

Currently five customers are working toward certification in Microsoft Digital Literacy, an “E-training” that will allow them to continue their learning after placement or transition.