KRA’s Watkins Presents at California Workforce Association Conference

Lavar Watkins, Business Services Manager, San Diego Metro Region Career Centers, operated by KRA Corporation, is presenting two workshops at the CWA Annual Spring Workforce Development Conference: Meeting the Challenge – Enhancing our Capacity to Impact Income Mobility, being held in San Diego this year.

Tuesday the 22nd, Watkins presents The Effective Delivery of Business and Employer Services, highlighting the six core attributes for delivering an effective business- and employer-services model, based upon the ABC² Framework—Assertiveness & Articulation, Business and Employer Networking & Believability, and Collaboration & Communication, providing current industry-related information that illustrates how employers are responding to the challenges of hiring employees and helps identify job development opportunities that exist.

Watkins with his 2012 Urban Leader Under 40 Award.

Watkins with his 2012 Urban Leader Under 40 Award.

Watkins presents Business and Employer Services Infused: The Integration of Technology, Virtual Relationships, and Social Media Within the Workforce System on Thursday the 24th.  He will be demonstrating the integration of current technology and virtual relationships and the effective use of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for true job development and job matching, and more enhanced, as well as  efficient opportunities to network, collaborate, create, and maintain business and employer relationships across industry sectors.