KRA to Provide Insight on WIOA & Integrated Service Delivery

On March 19, 2015, 1:00 PM EDT, Don Scott, Senior Vice President, KRA Workforce Operations and Felicia Flournoy, Director, KRA Workforce Innovation, will be interviewed on Workforce Central Online Radio (WCOR) to discuss WIOA: Succeeding at Integrated Service Delivery, as part of a series leading up to the 2015 National Association of Workforce Boards Forum.

Don reported, “WIOA mandates quality improvement and cost reduction in the implementation of our public workforce investment system, and demands an integrated service delivery (ISD) system…a network of workforce-services providers creating a coordinated continuum of employment and training services for Adult/Dislocated and Youth jobseekers, as well as Wagner-Peyser services administered by DOL through formula grants to states.

Therefore, every State WIB must develop a single, unified 4-year Strategic Plan that, in a model IDS system, includes key partners, including TANF and Rehabilitation Act programs, in addition to career services offered through WIOA-funded One Stop/American Job Centers.”

Felicia concluded, “With KRA’s in-depth experience in all of the programs that Don mentioned, we have already examined current operations and identified the ‘best practices’ to take ISD to the next level.  This broadcast is a great opportunity for the KRA team to share what has been learned from our experience with ISD, and to discuss the impact of this aspect of WIOA.”

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 Click here now to register for this can’t-miss WCOR broadcast.

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