A KRA/CTWorks SEP Success Story

Recently, KRA reported on California’s Expanded Subsidized Employment Program that transitions public-assistance recipients from “Welfare-To-Work” by providing wage-subsidy incentives for employers to hire and train unemployed jobseekers.  Connecticut’s Step Up has the same goals and objectives.

In the Greater Hartford area, the Subsidized Employment Program (SEP), is administered by  CTWorks/American Job Center, operated by KRA for Capital Workforce Partners, through Jobs First Employment Services (JFES).

Gerardo Heredia, KRA/JFES Career Agent: “Since inception, SEP has impacted the lives of thousands of JFES customers…like Angel Arroyo, with whom I worked closely to identify his most prominent employment assets.  During this process, I realized Angel was an ideal SEP candidate, so I referred him for additional assessment and placement to Steven Duncan, one of our Business Services Consultants.

Steven referred Angel to Foodshare, a local non-profit, for a 10-week assignment as a Warehouse Technician.  But, before he could complete his SEP, Angel was offered a ‘temp-to-hire’ job, which turned into full-time, permanent employment—at  36% more than the area minimum wage!

For Illustration Only

For Illustration Only

Angel is one of more than 250 jobseekers we’ve enrolled in JFES/SEP this fiscal year alone.  It’s an extremely effective workforce services program, demonstrating positive long-term employment outcomes for our business- and jobseeker-customers simultaneously!”