Staff Maximize Time With KRA Customers

PGWorks, operated by KRA for the Prince George’s County Department of Social Services, provides recipients of public-assistance with intensive workforce-development services, including job placement—providing the “clock” hasn’t run out.

Recently, Alicia Spriggs, Operations Manager, submitted to KRA News two customer-achievement stories, which on the surface appeared to be “business-as-usual”.  When interviewed,  she commented, “Contractually, KRA/PGWorks has 4 weeks to orient, assess, prepare, and place our customers.  Fulltime-job placements, with sustainable wages, within this window of time are always cause for celebration.

Career Agent Ashelley Wilder, herself a prior KRA customer, reported that ‘Lakeisha’—36, single, 3 children, and just now getting her GED—had been hired fulltime in her chosen career as an Unarmed Security Officer, on the same day as her interview!

For ‘Eschelle’—32, single, with 2 kids, and an AA in Business Administration—Career Agent LaCresha Jones provided guidance, while Job Developer Derek Robinson identified viable job leads…a collaboration resulting in a fulltime job with MaidPro, one of the fastest-growing residential cleaning companies.

Who needs resumes! I got the job!!

Who needs resumes! I got the job!!

Lakeisha and Eschelle are representative of the jobseekers we assist everyday in returning to the workforce and self-sufficiency.  In the most positive use of the phrase, for KRA/PGWorks, this truly is business-as-usual!”