KRA Partners With "Green" Company

David Veney, KRA Job Developer, PGWorks, reports development of a partnership to provide NPEP participants jobs. Mr. Nagee Abdullah, NIA Solutions’ Owner and GM, visited PGWorks and conducted an orientation, in response to which 12 NPEP customers registered for a 3-day training.

PG County - Eco ImageTo date, five have completed the training–WGL/NIA history, vision, and growth; the benefits of  “going green”; business development, marketing, and field-sales tips and techniques–and were engaged to attract property owners in assigned areas with more affordable, eco-friendly energy services.

David concluded, “The ‘green’ sector of the Energy Industry is growing fast.  Successful NPEP participants can earn $500+ a week, so we are excited to partner with NIA to introduce more NPEP customers to this opportunity, and to keep them focused and motivated toward achieving success.”