Customer Credits KRA for Career Longevity Success

PG County - APHIS Image - 216x166In May 2015, after 6 jobless years, through  the KRA/PGWorks‘ Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program, ex-Security Officer Gerald Mackall was hired by USDA/APHIS as an Administrative Support Assistant, and was featured in a KRA  June 2015 article.  Since then, his career-path journey has been nothing short of meteoric.

Last month, Gerald completed 2 months of a 6-month Basic LDP [Leadership Development Program], to be followed by a 9-month Intermediate LDP; this month, finished 4 of 10 Contracting Officer Certification Program courses, and once credentialed, will qualify for a GS-15 salary range of $128K to $160K; and next month, is re-registering at PG County Community College, with USDA financing his AD completion in Business Administration.

Gerald recently wrote, “KRA/NPEP Staff was an awesome tag team with regard to continuous non-judgmental support, employment resources, and job-readiness materials. They ensured that my transition back into the workplace was stress free, and gave me the tools to ensure career longevity.”